Making music

The book Learning to Learn has been great, I've been taking tips and tricks from it, have been learning to self-internalize and understand myself. But it's hard to learn a concept, a theory, without actually putting it to practice, specially when it is entirely about practice. It's impossible actually.

So I thought maybe learning a relatively simple instrument, in a field totally beyond my understanding would put me me in a good footing to learn the meta-skill of learning. I chose to play the ukulele, on Saturday. Picked it up to strum it, the notes felt all wrong. Went to a website and retuned it so it sounded at least on the same ballpark as the instruments on youtube. Then went to one of the easier ukulele teaching videos, and played a couple of chords. Practiced it for about an hour, and yesterday I picked up the instrument once more, to practice the chord progression. I have short and stubby fingers, the worst ones to play a stringed instrument. Still, ukulele should be relatively easy to work with. If I can just understand the first few chords, play them without obvious mistakes, and do the very basic chord progressions I'll be a happy man. Don't even need to learn to play songs, just base chords. Aiming super low right now.

There's not a single musical bone or muscle in my body so this should be an interesting journey, one I hope I keep up with because again, this could be not just an acquisition of a new skill of a self-reckoning about my desires, wants goals and general abilities. A therapeutic treatment for my issues associated with learning.

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