The first flower has bloomed!

 In the previous post I wrote about how I had finally started producing edible crops in my apartment. That was well-timed because this week has also been the first time my houseplants started producing flower, all on their own!

I've been afraid of blooming plants, because it's my understanding they need certain conditions, and specific fertilizer and watering schedule and mix, to encourage blooming. And houseplants aren't a way to 'measure success' for me, they're just a means for relaxation. Didn't want to get carried away by the measurements that'd be involved with trying to get a good flowering outcome.

Fortunately, one of my plants flowered when I was least expecting it! PN's Spider plants, which I brought over from back east 2.5 months ago, are thriving, and last week they bloomed! First it was a single flower, then two, and then a couple more. And now the first couple of flowers have even withered away and died! They were small but oh so pretty! Plus I can finally lay claim to be a flower-producer!

Exciting era this is.

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