Booze fucks me up real bad, man

I rediscovered the other day how fuckedup and bad alcohol is for my body, for the hundredth time, like.

I didn't intend on drinking but had to provide company to somebody. I didn't get drunk, not even a light buzz. A mild and consistent headache was the closest to the positive result I got. My energy was sapped, my muscles got sore, and a general sense of gloom engulfed me. And those were the good parts.

My ship was messed up for two days, I had a super bloated tummy that released pressure in all the embarrassing ways, the hyper acidity and chest burn were pretty awful, and my bladder was all messed... I peed 12 times the night of. And on the turning, stretching, and groaning in discomfort felt so 'old timey' for the simple act of booze-drinkin '.

With all those wonderful effects to fry body, is there a surprise that I loathe booze and consume it? That anybody enjoys it is a surprise to me.

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