Qatar Airways International flights food-comparative study

 Since the holidays season is here and everybody seems to be traveling somewhere, plus the previous post on how one might want to divide a long plane Journey and I got thinking about airline food. As in, the stereotype is how they're so bad, but that's not been my experience at all. At times, I have actually missed airlines food( particularly the well-spiced ones catered in good airlines) and dreamt up restaurants where airlines might sell their food, or get rid of their surplus supplies: Since Qatar is the airline I have Journeyed internationally the most, it makes sense to talk about it...

So all of my experiences with@ A food have been pretty decent. Since my travels consist of trips to Nepal, the flights are mostly South Asian folks, and the food is decent Indian food. Not to praise the food too much but I'd rather have the Qatari plane food than food from some restaurants in Seattle. And so last year when I went to KTM with ED, I was expecting a similar quality when I set my food options to 'vegetarian' online before the flight. I had not anticipated what a terrible choice that would turn out to be.

The food was bland, un spiced, unfilling and really should be considered sustenance. If that was the standard quality of airlines food, I'd probably travel a lot less, or prefer to take flights with actually edible food instead of the gloop we were served. And the annoying thing about the whole experience was that ED had followed suit in ordering meatless eating 'and oh what a massive disappointment it became for her. At least the return flight had regular edible food, and the flights since have only impressed or satisfied my expectations, there has been no disappointing experience since. Qatar and Turkish airlines, to and from the middle east & South Asia, amazing food, would highly recommend to all whom that is a priority.

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