Final meal, checking out, cat to airport, crazy policy airport shop, uneventful flight, balcony stay, let in family surprise, mamaghar in the evening [Sun 29]

Had the final brunch at the hotel, packed up, paid, the people downstairs called us a cheap in Drive and we got to the airport well in advance of our flight. Bought an extra expensive bar of dark chocolate at the airport. Probably the most expensive by weight yet. Held hands tight for the flight, the future was uncertain and this might have been the last time together.

Got dropped at home, waited outside for an hour before the auntie downstairs gave me the keys and let me in. Got in video chat with Sb and Td in Netherlands for several hours. Parents came with TM in a couple of hours and they were really very pleasantly surprised.

In the evening we went to mamaghar and everyone had a massive surprise there too. People seemed to be more excited by the experience of pleasant surprise than me being there hah ah!

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