The work situation has sorted itself out remarkably well, all told

As regular readers of the blog will remember, last week I was freaking out about what was going on at work because I was tasked with a complicated, challenging piece of work with no clear way to accomplish it, uncertainty around if we really wanted it, and the value overall in the vision of the whole thing. Considering I'm going on holidays soon enough, it was sounding like I'd not get much done, and might have poor feedback for my next review, right during the uhhh layoffs season. Things weren't looking too good, specially for someone looking to spend at least a few hours a day chattin' up friends and family and loved ones. How the hell was I going to get that done, and this too, and oh the other thing as well, I wondered.

Well...the weekend came and went by, I did a little bit of work here and there this morning, and now it's looking like things are stabilizing. The entirety of the process is larger than we initially planned on looking, but we have successfully portioned out what needs to be done, everybody knows their roles and tasks, and there's a clear path ahead on how we will accomplish what needs to be done. And most cool of all, there is only a limited set of expectations for me until the break, which means I don't have to rush things, and I most definitely won't have to work evenings and weekends to complete this project before taking time off.

All of that to say: phew. That was a close one. Hoping things are better in the future.

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