Rhine haus for clubbing

 The other day over the weekend we went to Rhinehans in the evening to dance. I've been there a few times before, the last notable experience was in the world up time with AyP. It's such a fundamentally different place on non-world up, evenings though.

We got there on the earlier side of evening, 10.15 ish. Stood around all over the place awkwardly talking and watching people play Bocce. Eventually we ambled to the dance floor but our gang of five was the largest( and basically the only) group dancing there. Folks were disappointed for sure. 'And somebody said there wouldn't be space on the floor to move your arms, 'somebody observed. Eventually two more dudes, friends of ours one of who recently started DJing, showed up. And we danced freely.

The one good thing about this music venue is their music is extremely danceable, and I recognize a song or two every so often. By half past eleven, the crowd had thickened considerably but it was still manageable. There was a large group of Seal students who seemed to be having a ball of a time-and whose first clubbing experience it seemed to be-they were bunched together into a tight circle at the middle of the floor and edging everybody else out. Besides that, this appears to be one of the more conventional clubs in Seattle.

The crowd on the dance floor grew and grew and crew. So much that by midnight there was barely a space to tap one's feet for flail one's arms without hitting somebody. A good-sized crowd is important for a fan clubbing experience but not to the point that you're like no leaks on a solid, unable to turn your head or even properly see who you're dancing with. Our group kept getting separated because of the aggressive students, and I was tired and sleepy. It was time for me to get some air, and eventually walk back home. I texted the rest of the gang and they too headed out thirty minutes after I did. It was a solid night, we explored a new place I'd never been to before and nobody got too drunk or anything.

A solid night out in my books. At 1.30 apparently the guys got talking to a group of Nepali girls who had been out& about.

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