Food, gone

Handwritten on kindle scribe with minimal editing before posting here.

This isn't as serious as I'd hope it'd be, but I need not have worried about the calorie content of Chipotle burrito. For my tummy seems to have forgotten the ability to eat even the most mildly spicy foods, and ah let's just say I haven't slept since 4 am, if you get my fist.

Which got me wondering... I wonder if there is a spicy food-based weight-loss regimen or diet of sorts? Because spicy food will cause your tummy to lose more calories than you ingest and you won't feel hungry and miserable in between. Or maybe your body will adjust to the spice level and the trick stops working after the first few days? Is it possible that fat people eat spicier food, or less spicy food? Are their any relationships between regular spicy food intake as a part of one's diet and health outcomes? The thing about spicy food casing ulcer has been disproven now but what if we found something that's the opposite?

It doesn't have to be true-anything that tastes bad doesn't have the healthy by default( the causality is messed up on that assumption)... but is there a chance this one is?

Regardless, I had two meals, in a vague, not very committed, way, yesterday. And I'm far to full today.. to the point I'm afraid I might not eat a lot... which would mess up my eating scheme more. That wouldn't be very nice.

So I'm writing this sitting on a chair at Seattle public library central location, and mantis device is so very convenient. Falling asleep is harder, putting contact with material is easier, and the portability is much larger. Even if this is an unreasonable amount of excitement at a new device, this is going to be so good.
Anyway I gotta start heading back home. Get my steps... cook something 'good, or eat something, take a hit at April's Journal posts, and go on evening walk.

Need to finish reading 'the learning to learn book too.

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