Visa situation not as great as I fantasized, it turns out

I got some demoralizing and disappointing news from the lawyers today in the email. It appears I had gotten aggressively optimistic and hopeful about the status of my immigration situation, and had considered my timeline to be six-to-eight months more advanced than it is really. So now I need to reset my expectations by that time. Which is not quite the worst, but it's a bit...of a downer, I'm usually not prone to such bouts of unjustified excitement, particularly with regards to visa and immigration but let myself dream for once, and ahh the falldown has been not great today. Everything has slowed down in terms of visa processing, I'm told, and I should just sit down patiently and wait without running my head off if I don't want to go insane.

The department of labor is taking forever to grant work permits, and department of immigration is taking forever to issue immigration documents, I'm told. None of the federal departments are doing what they're meant to be, which is really awful, but ugh the political situation in this country...I don't even want to...

Anyway, it's back to being a cynical grouch then!

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