Amazing fatty dal, Wholefoods trip, free castiron, cheeseball chips, mac n cheese with mushrooms [Tue 1]

Got up late rushed into work, zero motivation, spent the day watching tv and getting distracted with JD. No proper place to work but that was just an excuse really if I wanted to work I could just have put my laptop on the dining table and worked. This was not my place, and I didn't feel at home, in terms of comfort for writing. Otherwise it was quite fun. Too much in the holiday mood, that was my problem actually...

Made dal and rice for lunch, JD made cauliflower. Really enjoyed making the dal because we combined three different types of dal, I put in a LOT and I mean a LOT of garlic and butter, and onions, fried it all up, added the dal at the end, fried the dal for ten minutes before pressure cooking everything. Discovered we put in extra water so spent the following twenty minutes trying to evaporate away the water. JD and I blew on top of the container until we were out of breath to speed up the process. JD claims our attempts were useful and we really made a big impact I'm not sure I buy it.

In the evening everyone was hungry and wanted to order in for a second-time in a row, convinced the gang to go grocery shopping. We walked to Whole foods, discovered a new path to get there. On the way we found a free castiron pan that I'll bring back home in the future, but we brought it back to AD's place.

Spent a solid hour-and-half at wholefoods, they're alright, not too many options and everything is so very overpriced except the house brands. We got the 365 brand mac-n-cheese, two packets of them, to make them for dinner. I picked up a large pack of cheddar-and-sourcream flavored chips, everyone was super skeptical about it. JD and I alone finished half of it on the way home. We also picked the cast iron pan.

For dinner I fried some garlic in butter and sauteed mushrooms, while making mac n cheese. AD had gotten some pupusas at the WF which we heated in the oven and tried. So so overpriced and bad, it was quite yucky really. The mac and cheese wasn't very cheese, thank god for the mushrooms they were the best part of the meal. I shouldn't have added almond milk it was a particularly bad choice because we discovered later it was sweetened almond milk.

Watched kimmy, schitt's creek and aahat in the evening. Fun night.

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