Changes are a-comin'

This post is about programming changes in the blog.

For the last...many months, ever since COVID happened basically, and even before that, I've been posting a maximum of four posts a day. A 'fun' post -- list, experimental structures, etcetera -- a journal post, a fiction piece which has been using prompts from the Writer's Digest for the past month, and a 'freestyle' non-fic post where I'll rant about whatever comes in my noggin. The order in which I write the posts has been haphazard, the timing of the writings have been totally off since I'm not on '2 in the morning, 2 at night, 1 during the day' schedule like I was back in pre-covid times.

I'll be adding another post to the mix, a fiction piece which will be a contribution to one of my many novel writing ideas. Need to get back to the dream of writing a novel, it has been abandoned for half-a-year now and I'm bringing it back.

Additionally I'm going to be more disciplined about when I write the posts -- a fiction and non-fiction in the morning, the same pair in the evening after work, and the journal at the end of the day, right before I got to sleep. That way I'm not rushing, confusing everything into a mishmash and the quality is not in an ever-declining path.

Moreover I'm doing more writing exercises targeted at improving novel writing abilities. Dialog-writing practice, scene-writing etcetera. That way I can move beyond the daily churn of words and into more organized targeted workouts for my writing muscles. The writing habit is there, more or less. That's what the last year has proven. It's not perfect, but the guilt of not having written something is strong and that is sufficient for me. Comfortable with the pace in writing, I'm now moving into improving the craft of writing.

That also means that I'll be practicing writing with other people. It's not relevant here strictly but that means I'll be spending two evenings every week -- possibly three -- discussing written pieces, and on writing workshops with friends. Nothing competitive or serious, just positive feedback between friends who have nothing better to do. So some posts I could just copy here from my workshops, or steal something I've written here to share during a workshop. Probably not going to hinder the posting timetable a lot.

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