Haircut & japanese woodblocks [Fri 4]

Got up early, didn't go out on a walk because it's too cold. Need to get Fall clothing out.

Work was super-duper slow, didn't feel motivated at all, had a couple of meetings and that was it. Forced myself to write the thousand words in the journal throughout the day even after work. I'm beginning to consider the possibility that going for a set daily wordcount may create preverse incentives for me to become more wordy. On the other had, I do get something written at all instead of nothing. Still, I shouldn't have to make the choice between not writing at all and learning bad writing habits.

Lunch was fried rice that ND kindly made for us. I added two fried eggs and sloshed soy sauce in, it was so yummy. Meeting with manager went quite well. Discovered that I have useful work benefits I was unaware for before, need to take full advantage of that. Setting it up this weekend. Also, related, I've been taking financial advice from a financial advising company provided by my employer. It's going to be great.

ND and PK went to swim on the pond at 1, for the rest of the day. I was back in the grind.

Got out of work at 4.30, forced myself to write a little more. I was disappointed, annoyed and sick of my hair: it's grown far too long, is unruly and it shows clearly that I'm balding. So I called the barber to check if they had an appointment, and they said they were empty. Rode my bike to Teele square to get the trim. The ATM there gave me some trouble, it wouldn't open at all with my card or a random lady's card. Somehow we were able to get it working in the very last moment. Was late to the barber appointment by a few short minutes. The haircut was nice, he may have not heard I wanted sharp fade but it's not clear that's what I meant either so I let it go. Felt bad giving only 33% tip, they've increased their prices by a bit so what was before a 70% tip is now only 33%. Rode back home, wrote a bunch more, watched tv with ND and PK.

Got really into japanese woodblock paintings and spent solid five hours looking them up online. Sent them to SHK who maybe didn't find it as amusing as I did. Used the inspiration to write a short post. I'm going to use the inspirations from woodblock art as inspiration for my writing.

Wrote quite a few posts in the evening and went to bed at half past twelve.

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