Big business plans and hopes

 For the longest time I've tried to find something worth selling, anything. The experience of producing an item...whatever it may be...for a client or a customer, molding it according to their needs, and then selling it to them feels like a such a rewarding experience. I've tried hard to identify gaps in the software market in these niche one-off places, but everywhere you go there's software engineers already vultured over the potential market.

One of my business related fantasies is running a chain of dental practices, the first one managed by N, and then eventually opening in other neighborhoods after optimizing the flow. Or whatever, business words. We're a long way from there but I've been encouraging folks to think about managing dental practices while approaching the dental industry.

Then there's the plan with the other N to start a momo-based food court in Philly. Much lower investment, much closer to execution. But way harder to find on-the-ground workers who're reliable and can be trusted to basically run the business without much management because we're so busy with day jobs.

The biggest plan on the plate, possibly also the one that's gone the furthest is a destination wedding idea that I've been brainstorming with YKD and setting up a bunch of appointments and pitch decks. Stay tuned, this might go somewhere.

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