Househunting workday, long trip to Sommerville, the dream Manosalwa dinner, Market Basket and Nepali market, rush bus back home, getting real lucky [Wed 16]

 During the workday J and I looked at interesting houses that we'd want to buy. I looked at a couple of places and sent the links to SB and he said he'd actually gone on house tours of those places and they hadn't worked out for them for one reason or other. The book is very small at this time of the year apparently, not a lot of liquidity in the housing market.

After work, I suggested, due to a series of misunderstandings, that we go to Market Basket in Sommerville and my compadres jumped at the idea as it'd mean another shoulder to carry the grocery bags. We walked to bus 65, then changed to the commuter bus that left us at union square.

Right as we were about to go to a Koshari place, I suggested we try Man-o-salwa first, the place I've mentioned here previously, that was extremely popular with my Pakistani friends from college. We ordered the food, it was surprisingly cheap but they charged 15% for eating in -- a bit of a bummer. Food was so tasty and fatty and oof, such great meal was had. The serving sizes were extraordinarily large as well, AD made three meals out of his chicken biryani he paid twelve buckaroos for.

After waiting and eating for the food, it was night and we were running tight on the last bus, before the shopping had even begun. We went to Market Basket, spent a good twenty minutes in it -- I bought J a few bars of chocolate and got myself a zero drink -- and the walked over to the tiny Nepali store where we spent another 20 minutes at. I was busy with my phone thankfully, easy distraction .

 Waited for the bus -- we made it even after going to the wrong intersection the first time, and sheltering at a nearby restaurant for the restroom  the second time -- which took us to longwood. Except there was a lot of traffic on the way and it was almost certain that we'd miss our connecting bus. And we almost did. But the other bus was delayed by ten seconds to an unusually long red traffic light. We got off our bus and got into the one that just stopped behind us. Zero time wasted at the stop, it was almost as if we'd gotten in a taxi.

We felt very lucky.

Watched a bunch of movie at night.

Fourty five bucks worth of indian food lasted us maybe nine meals.

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