Capitol hill vs downtown Seattle

Friend A was looking for an apartment. He had seen a place in CapHill, across the park from my place, and another place in downtown, to take over the lease of loverboi. The Downtown apartment was much nicer (the building), higher floor, had a nice roof, and three hundred bucks cheaper. The CapHill apartment was...close to Sk and myself. He asked us which place he should take. Sk said the downtown place was really really nice deal. A took the CapHill one. Because, he explained, if despite all of that, he was still not sure, clearly he wanted to be near to us. Which makes sense.

The boys are celebrating Shivaratri today, I should go and do the gigglies, but don't feel like it. It's partly because I had to finish the writings, plus potentially get caught up on the work. But also, and this is the main reason, it's in goddamn Downtown. I'll have to either walk or take the bus. It'll be 25 minutes either way. And it's not a great neighborhood, surrounded by homeless encampments all around. No shops or restaurants either. Getting toked up on this holy day would have been proper and stuff... but ugh...downtown. It's...not a fun area.

I should really get a more expansive social life.

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