How hard is it to love, really?

You don't love me,
she says,
All I can say is
This is all I can be!

Your heart is a rock,
Cold and hard,
She pokes finger
Right on my chest.
I hold her hand,
But lover,
My hands are warm!

Need more from a man,
Than what a 40 buck electronic can,
But when the Chinese
Start selling love machines by the pound,
You know girls like me
Will never come around.

Can you teach
How a human being
I can be,
I ask, hoping
For a reprieve.
You do you, dude,
Comes the response
I can take care
Only of me.

What is it,
I ask in earnest
That I am missing
Perhaps that part
Can get a replacement?
Where is it that
I am lacking
Surely I can learn
Loving, if I can do the effing.

She has not
Texted me since
Have the Chinese,
Done it again?

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