I wanna chik- a - filla

 We went to the Chik Fil A in Boston two weeks ago, the first one in Boston proper, they opened it in Jan. It was great, I didn't get any of the sandwiches but JD really enjoyed the spicy deluxe chicken sandwich. Wait have I written on this before? Because we waited for solid 30 minutes, and it's not even on the top 3 of my waits at the restaurant chain. I got the fries and they were yummy, the sauces were so good. I most definitely have written this before. So maaaan if there's any outlet that makes me want to consider eating meat or chicken, it's this one. If I could just sneak in, without telling anybody just once a year or two in hiding, it's not going to hurt the planet too much is it, the chicken's already dead and I'm not really in this for the ideology, but on principle?

And that's that actually, it's not about the performance of it, it's the fact that in principle I don't want to eat chicken or meat in any form and that's it. I've made exceptions n the past, but CFA is not it, not The One.

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