The doggos make a secret plan

 Doggos weren't looking for the meat though. What they wanted was the secret access code. This had been all a part of a massive, three-thousand year plan executed over hundreds and thousands of generation, untold suffering and pain caused by the inconsiderate breeding and thoughtless caretaking by the humans. But it would be worth it, all the years of shame humiliation indignation, it'll have paid a thousandfold when the secret access code was retrieved. And if some moron who didn't know white from green got in the way, he better have worn some thick thick steel boots because this was life or death for the canine-kind and nothing could stop them from getting the secrets. Nothing.

Until everything that could possibly go wrong, did.

It was a bright warm morning in the city of Seattle. The dogs tottered away happily with their humans in the parks, seemingly uncaring for the terrible things that were happening in the world. Not a care in the world, those dogs, the humans thought, all they want is food, walk and belly rubs and they'll be more content than the Dalai Lama. Oh and playtime with other doggos of course, but that was a given. There were dogs all over, every block had a hundred living, you couldn't pass by a corner without a pup smelling the scent of his friends who'd passed by hours ago. The humans, their thoughts shaded by the imagination of a simpler world, their decisions clouded by the projection of happines on their pets' faces, failed to notice strange things happening around them.

Such as, a group of dogs meeting in an alley, in full view of humans, looking at a blueprint, and talking in short pointed barks. It couldn't be mistaken for anything else but a planning session for a bank heist. But dogs didn't commit heists! They couldn't read secret blueprints! The humans projected their expectations of dogs on reality, and failed to see what was right in front of their eyes.

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