Who are these drunk people out and about at 10 at night

 I hear noises, loud drunk noisy people outside my apartment, 10PM and I'm wondering, do they not have work or school to go to tomorrow? If they're tourists, are they really so low on cash that they decided to visit the city in the worst possible season, when it's raining all day long and decided, you know what, sure it's cold and awful, and I didn't get to see all the beautiful mountains and the trees but there's one thing I gotta do and that's get drunk with my band of mateys on a Monday night, because tomorrow's tuesday and there's not much to do.

Perhaps they considered the whole thing to be a loss, and figured if they're having fun might as well do it at night because the days are miserable pathetic so goddamn rainy, can't do anything good ever besides the Puke Place Market (spelling error intended) and the first startbucks store that actually isn't. And the roastery, right.


This city has amazing public parks...more like forests...though.

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