The seven supervillains you'll probably see in the next Batman movie

  1.  The Clown. He's just a regular crown, but like really really annoying, keeps honking his nose and won't stop his antics when Batman tells him to. Eventually driving the nightwatch insane.

  2. The Newspaperman. Loser billionaire breaks law, does whatever he wants, and expects people to like him because he's doing things that mostly align with what the law enforcement woulda' done. Get a life, bro.

  3.  The polar bear. Is it possible this super henchman is of Eastern European heritage who recently moved to town because of the military crisis going on there, and blames the bat for his troubles?

  4. The doctor. Bat's blamed for spreading a deadly disease that's usually not found in humans, but the contagion is growing and scientists have pinpointed the origin to his cave. Like only if he stopped hanging out with those creepy night creatures, yeah?

  5. The fruitbatman. He's just a regular super rich dude who likes spending time with Batman who makes the superhero uncomfortable, the way he acts, he thinks Bat's gay and he the friend is so totally okay with it, even if our hero's not interested in coming out, and he's going to be there as a friend no matter what. No secrets between friends, but if there's secrets he's not going to leak any out. Wink.

  6. The fruit. Man eating a mango gets zapped by gamma rays, merges in with the fruit, and becomes it. Decides to avenge all the fruits in the world consumed by bats. Do bats eat fruits? Or is it just fruitbats? Or is that a misnomer? Who cares!

  7. The pubman. Maaan, why is bats such a downer, why does he not allow parties to go till late in the night, that's when people get real drunk and buy expensive drinks. He's killing hospitality industry in Gotham City ugh.

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