More obsession with the news, experimental veggies as meals, more news, protest bs outside [Sun 27]

 Read and watched the news all day long, worrying about the Ukraine situation, realized in the evening I was very very addicted and this would have to end somehow, if I wanted to be normal human being.

In the afternoon I made a quick onion-tomato and tater tots veggies, it was pretty good honestly, had it with the TJ's roti once again. So versatile the roti, goes with everything.

There was some young people protesting some bullshit or other real loud and walking in circles, I tried to zone them out but was really difficult. More news etcetera.

For dinner I had the same tarkari a lunch but with ketchup and mayo, to see how it'd go, and honestly, potatoes onions and tomatoes with fat and spicy ketchup can never go wrong it appears. Yum yum yum.

Went to bed real late again despite having work the next morning.

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