This is what 'phoning in' looks like

 So the deal is I need to get a lot of posts written before I go to bed for the month of february, the 'carrying over' of posts from previous months or weeks or days ends now, I've promised that a bazillion times before but this is when the rubber hits the road it's time to man up and realize it's not inspiration and gets things done but practice, repetition and just rubbing your nose against the paper so you're left with a little nub of smelling instruments. Don't want more than six posts to backdate in March. But also don't want to go to bed too late because that's how I got into this bad habit of spending daytime wasting not doing anything interesting or fun or good, which leads to lots of freaking out and last-moment writing the cycle goes on forever forever making me feel disgusted at myself not wanting to write setting unreasonable standards for myself all for what end? What end does this get us to? Nothing man, this is all bullshit, the quality of these vomit of words isn't getting better so where's point in investing in those. Just move your fingers and write.

This is how I'll be getting Feb's posts out, just random bullshit who cares if anybody's gonna read or if anybody's gonna care. Nobody but me. This is my vanity project. This ain't a grand writing experimentation, biographers aren't going to be poring over these turd balls. This is chill, just me and the keyboard, playing music. Yanno?

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