James fucking Acaster is a goddamn (inter)national treasure

I'm reading his book 'classic scrapes' and introducing his four-part series on Netflix to friends. The way he plays with words makes me want to gouge my eyes out and cut my fingers out of envy. His standup routines translate perfectly well to the written word and vice-versa, he's as good of a comedy writer (for a certain genre of comedic writing) as he is a standup comedian.

The next goal in the writing adventures is to try to ape his writing, be the James Acaster of my friend group. The frustrating part is that he was ALREADY the james acaster of his friend group way younger than how old I am right now. And I am like, what exactly is my gift to the world and how do I make it work because the way I write is like pushing a cart with square wheels: it's possible, but painful and you'd rather it didn't happen and somebody with rounder wheels came along and rid me of the misery. Etcetera.

I'll be writing more on this in the coming days, obviously.

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