Nine things from Indian Matchmaking part 3 that I wanna talk about

  1.  Priya, the girl from South London is NOT ready to be in a relationship yet, and she really really needs to get her emotional state in place before she can start looking for a boyfriend, let alone a husband. She needs to understand that healing either needs time, or effort and vulnerability and she's unwilling to put in either.

  2. Bobby, the Math teacher from London, who is also a celebrity who's appeared on Cats Does Countdown is too hyper on...something...and too annoying with questions, surely that's not how he acts in front of his partners and the image of Bobby he's presenting on the show is just an exaggerated form of his real self? Because he seems so damn tiring.

  3. The tall girl from Delhi is incredible, or is she from Mumbai, and she only deserves the best people in the whole wide world and nothing less. The vertical positioning situation is a bit of a complication but there's no doubt India's got its share of eligible single men to fulfill that need.

  4. Thank god, thank thank dear gods there was no Aparna in part three, we were all getting mighty sick of her already.

  5. What the hell is even the point of bringing in Viral and her guy at the moment, and flying them to India to meet his parents because ugh it doesn't seem like they're going to work at all, why even bother yowza.

  6. I think I get Rushali, and by that I mean I understand the person or character presented by the editors and as acted by the model Rushali, in the television show Indian Matchmaking. How much of that character's life coincides with the actual indian model Rushali is a matter of question but I'd guess not as much as many would hope.

  7. Both the Miami-based couples were pretty sweet, though the one who was Sindhi was...extravagant and it was clear to me that they were a thing from the get-go and the entire series was a setup to frame their relationship.

  8.  My friend and I both thought Vinesh from London could have been Nepali, and he was a pretty decent guy all things considered, nice and understanding.

  9. I don't disagree with the large swathe of online commenters who consider Virat the fourty-something doctor who wants a model for a wife to be the antagonist of the season because 1) it's too easy, and 2) he's exactly the sort of an unlikely villain they ove to portray.

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