Travel plans finalized, long calls, walk to Voluteer park, rajma karela and gundruk with rice cooking and for dinner, lazy dinner, Peep Show watching, early to bed [Thu 5]

In the morning got on long series of calls with Ak, friends and family and made travel plans for the holidays, fun times.

Skipped lunch, didn't go to work because a coworker was nagging me about certain issues so ignored him permanently. So very unproductive. My productivity goes down the dump if somebody is watching behind my neck and one of the coworkers is starting to get on my nerves.

Sk was to come back home quite late, at 6.30 in the evening, so I headed out at 5.30 for my evening walk and came back at 7.30.

After I got back, sent Sk and M the doggo out for a walk, and cooked raajma ko jhol, karela ko tarkari, and gundruk. It was the first time I was making rajma and karela, and second time making gundruk. The gundruk came out disgusting at first, but after boiling off enough water and letting it simmer for an hour-and-half, it was yummy. I'm quite good at making gundruk now! Rajma was great too, and karela was pretty decent, despite it not being the right texture that I was thinking.

We had the big dinner, my first real meal in a day-and-half, and then watched Peep show. Got too tired early in the night and went to bed pretty early on.

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