Do trust everybody

This is a buddy post to the one I wrote earlier today. Apologies if it doesn't make any sense.

No person is an island, not in these times anyway when everyone is connected by a thick bond of social interactions online connections and keeping tabs on everybody. An opportunity, any opportunity is seen by dozens of people maybe even hundreds and if you're not in their circles, if you don't trust them if you don't consider them to take you somewhere you become lost, adrift among all the water like a message in a bottle, among the fishes who can't read you and you can't talk to them. With so much to tell and listen to but no one to do it with.

Such a sad pathetic life.

No, you have to trust people. Not immediately maybe, but once you get to know them. And besides how do you forward your cause when you're unwilling to take in allies and let your suspicions get the better of you. Your ridiculously high standards for trusting people and judging who gets to be in your close circle and who does not, all that does is limit the opportunities for you. Sure people are not infallible, sometimes they will disappoint you and sometimes it will feel like they committed treachery upon you but for goddsake don't be so self-centered and realize there's no grand conspiracy of snakes against you, it's just that people forget or get confused and have to make touch choices and sometimes those tough choices tend to work against your best-interests. So what. You'd have done the same if you were in their place. Learn to love, learn to care. Learn to judge, learn to trust.

Open yourself to the world and the world will open to you.

If you seem all sketchy and shifty and untrusting, they will see you as the same, someone with deep trust issues who cannot be trusted. If you are a trusting loving caring person who believes in the power of people and acquaintances and counts on them for help and support, it creates a network of people who can be looked upon for guidance and assistance when the right times comes.

And so what you get stabbed once in a while, the world is not full of assholes and snakes it's not a conspiracy against you the world doesn't care about you enough for that. Shit happens, learn to deal with adversity and identify the chaff from the wheat. Figure out your group but also extend your circle because that's how you progress by meeting new people learning new things understanding new ideas and considering different viewpoints. Avoid being the frog of the well, jump into the vast ocean of opinions and expressions and histories and learn from the unique experiences people have.

Isn't that what living as a social being all about?

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