Don't trust anybody

This is fiction, kind of. It's unclear, let's call it experimental then. Goes with the next post I'll be writing, which will be in the lines of 'Trust the world' or something to the effect.

...because they're all snakes the whole lot of them. Not intentional snakes mind you, they're not swinging their metaphorical fangs out at you at every opportunity, not smelling the air for flesh blood with their forked tongue though one could imagine a good comparison for it, they're not slithering around waiting to strangle weaker opponents to death metaphorically and most certainly they're not full of the metaphorical poison that infects everything it touches. So they're not literal figurative snakes who know snakes and act like it.

But functionally might as well be. If it acts like a snake, if it poisons like a snake, does it matter what it thinks of itself and how it acts most of the time? It could be a duck for all we care all the time and then a sudden strike! A quick sing on your legs, the immobilizing venom spreading in your veins turning you blue cramping your muscles your eyes go red you can't see anything is this the end you cant think straight aand out. Does it matter to you that the creature that just stung you was actually a very nice duck with great many tales about how sweet it is and majesty and all of it. Nah, all it matters is that you were stung and the sting was so very snakey.

So. People have their interests mostly. They could be borne out of passion, conviction, by tradition, or due to uhh financial interests. You would rather believe that they're indistinguishable, what does it matter that you're doing it because deep in your heart you do take in the values and live by them and they're so fundamentally ingrained in your psyche that you without them wouldn't be you at all, while they're motivated by other interests say because it's their occupation. Of course it's okay to approach it as a job, you're telling yourself, passion can be rewarded fiscally and it's fine, besides why would they get into this if not for their passion aahh okay maybe because this one pays well but of course nobody is that cynical it's good that we're in the same field, the world is a dark dangerous place for us and to have any ally is good. To go searching for one true scotsman who is into what you are for the exact reasons you think people should be into it for is ridiculous. Liking and supporting things is great, the money is a side-effect, the cause is common and you'll get through it together.

With teams and organization, priorities change, budgets get realigned, teams reorganized. And the talking points change, when you're working for money all that matters is how in sync you're with the person who's paying you the big bucks.

And you feel abandoned, cynical about the world. Nobody truly believes in their principles, the one you were stupid enough to think came from the heart, you spent your life for it. Nothing matters anymore the world is a stupid piece of rock human beings no better than base apes who will do anything and everything to forward their own narrow goals. People are idiots, your countryfolks are serious selfish goons and you have learnt your lesson.

Know that you are wrong.

The problem is not in people's beliefs and dedications, it was in your unquestioning unwavering trust of people. There are trustworthy people you've spent lifetimes with, people who have sacrificed and or suffered so much you realize maybe they're not in it for themselves. People who have had the chance to take over, to enrich themselves and their personal cause and refused to. They're genuine sure. And everyone else, they're strategic partners, conditional allies, temporary friends. The seasons will change, their priorities reorganized, the loyalty compromised. First the words will change, then the sentences and ultimately what they speak will be so different you will realize you're not on the same side of the cause.

But you won't care. Because your trust was conditional, your partnership strategic, for the furthering of the cause. One ally gone, you'll find four more. It's fine, it's okay, the world is not a cold heartless desolate place. You unceasingly placed trust where it was not fully warranted and learned your lesson. Your standards are higher.

Trust, but increase your standards.

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