Strange dreams, Green-bean soup, Nepali youtuber, trip home, grilled cheese, settling down [Thu 3]

Got up at 8.30 am, after going to sleep at 6am, and remembered having some strange dreams. Don't remember what they were but they were really personal and curious... the sort where you start questioning your subconscious and wonder what the hell it's really trying to get at. That's the sense it gave me, don't remember the details. Really need to maintain a dream journal.

Workday was more productive than usual, planned on leaving this day so was thinking more in terms of everyday tasks.

For lunch we had a white bean soup with broccoli rapay and a bunch of other healthy things in there. I added salt and lime to it, and dipped a nicely toasted bread and it grew on me. Like, quite a bit!

After lunch we watched some Nepali youtubes, a bunch of mushroom and farming videos again, but also the blogs of Sonica Rokaya who I should have known but didn't. JD and AD didn't either and they were mesmerized. I think she's one of the most authentic people out there, and wow the weird bad things she's been through that are too heavy for me, and here, but that'd make for such a great story. If I were a better writer and knew what parts of a story to include to make a good read, hers would be an excellent tale to tell.

Spent approximately an hour taking shower, collecting everything and deciding which means of transport I wanted to take. I considered walking but the two hours I didn't want to do all over again, not with my cast iron pans anymore. And taking a rideshare was way too expensive since the sharing aspect is no more, it's just an online taxi. Train I was not super comfortable with, but it came down to cost convenience and timing and ended up taking the train. It came to cost me nothing because my monthly pass hadn't been activated yet so the conductor just let me in. Green line to Park St, and Red line to Davis, walked from there.

Park St. was...strange...for rush hour. So empty. Maybe ten percent, at most, of the regular crowd. If someone had told me this is what would be a year ago i would have freaked out a LOT. It's more scary than no one being around because then you knew something obviously VERY BAD happened. With only five percent of the populace around, it'd be so spooky. Shit. Time travel tales now on are going to be so weird, it's going to be like after the apocalypse, with the politics and the pandemic and all. We live in a world very different from the one we lived in a year ago.

At home roommate BB was gone for the weekend already, so it was PK and I, we caught up on last weekend and plans for the upcoming one. Soon ND came over and we talked more about everything, she said how being here made her feel like she was home finally. PK made us grilled cheese -- something I taught him last week -- and he's learned his lesson well...he used a craptonne of butter. Still didn't use enough cheese, I told him he coulda' used a lot more cheese and it would have been just as good. Also had oats earlier because I was too hungry to make anything or think straight.

ND brought some Indomie from the nearby 7-11. I didn't realize they had Indomie here, out and about in 7-11's! They cooked it the regular fashion, I instructed them to add squeezed lime, gochujang, soy sauce, fried eggs and fried onions on top. It blew their minds and they're going to be eating a lot of that now on.

Got ND who doesn't like the office to watch the office, as I fell asleep outside. Called it a night at quarter to ten and retired in my chamber and they went into their room. In my room I setup my backup phone and the apps in it, and made a last-ditch effort to get my phone to respond. And guess what, just as I successfully setup the apps on my old phone, my new phone got charged and now it's acting normally. so weird. Visited a couple of forums I've been checking out lately, listened to several podcasts multi-hour long... The Derry Girls one and Scrubs rewatch podcasts more specifically. Remembered what a pain in the ass my old phone one and how often it made me want to crush it into a thousand pieces and drown the pieces in the Charles river.

Got ready to sleep at quarter to midnight, figured I should do some posts so I'm not running too too too behind tomorrow. Since I've had a bit of sleep earlier in the evening, hoping I can get up on time tomorrow, do the walk and writing in the morning, and through the day.

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