Writing short-sentence essays

Long sentences are easy. So undisciplined. Disorganized. Short sentences need finesse. Details need to be attended.

Long bursts of short sentences are rare. The full-stop really stops. The writer needs to re-evaluate ideas. Plan ahead. Not for lazy writers.

Thousand word-long sentences are easy. Write, don't stop. No thinking required. 100 ten-word sentences are tough. Think, organize, evaluate. Cut the chaff. What is chaff? Where is substance? Writers realize they don't have substance. Abandon. And restart. Until there's enough words for a page. Could take quite long.

This is for learning conciseness. I'm wordy. Wasteful with ideas. And the readers' time. Limiting length is a useful exercise. Discipline comes with hard work. It is an awfully difficult task. I'm suffering. The good kind. I'm learning.

The method has it pitfalls. The reader gets tired. The interruptions get annoying. The suspense is palpable. It increases anxiety. These are no flowing rivers. They are sharp rocks, jagged unnatural. Unyielding.

This will be weekly exercise. Low on wordcount, high on substance. And time investment. I've written thrice as many words in half the time. Learning is not easy. Craft comes with pitfalls. Fake it till you make it. To make it you must pay dues. This is me paying mine.

Reminds me of poetry. Both stress thriftiness with words. Imagery through light strokes. Let the reader imagine. Artist suggests, viewer creates.

Out of ideas now. I'm proud. This has been fruitful. Should do this more often. Bye.

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