Frequently asked questions on why I dropped as a 2024 US presidential candidate

As someone who dropped out of the contention for presidency in the 2024 presidential race, people have asked me why I chose to do so despite being a serious candidate with a decent chance of coming in the top ten, among young adults currently blazed beyond their minds currently watching tv at 2-4am demographics. And I will say, I apologize for disappointing you all. I betrayed your trust, to serve the nation and its people and take it to heights nobody can even imagine. And even beyond that. I would have been unimaginably good, they're saying, but now that I've dropped out, they have been mighty bummed out. So allow me to explain.

The thing is, I believe the position of presidency is one that demands dedication, honestly, stamina, and a commitment to serving the American people. I have ample of all of that. Beyond ample actually, I'm overflowing with that, so none of that was the problem really. And yes I do enjoy spending time with family, but the cool thing is they're in politics too so I'd have gotten to see them a lot more had I become the president, probably. There are very much no skeletons in my closets at all, and I'm sure you're feeling so very stupid for even thinking that because what on earth would have caused me to run for presidency while being fully aware my creditors are out to liquidate all my assets. Look at yourself, looking like a braying oaf. No no no, that's not the reason. The real reason, and be ready for it because I haven't told anybody about this before now is the prophecy. Yes, there was a prophecy. About me, and how if I became the ruler of a country, bad things out befall me on a personal level. Yeah the country would thrive beyond dreams and do great, but it would be all pain and suffering for me and my family. It was for those very reasons I decided to lay low until the next election cycle or until I manage enough financial resources to clear my balances with all debtors.

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