Fruits are freaking fun

 Because I've been trying to play catchup with a lot of things not necessarily related to this blog, I'm running behind with posting here. Which I've learned to not bother myself too much with, but one's gotta live by one's rules, and just ignoring things when they become inconvenient is not the right way to go about your passions etcetera. So instead I'm doing what I'm so freaking good at, half-assing and just putting down whatever bullshit will come inside my noggin. Don't mind me, this is business as usual.

After what feels like months(!) I got some sweet sweet fruits, oranges, apples and bananas, and man it feels so good to be eating fruit again. When you're eating fruits regularly it doesn't feel like much because they feel like 'cheat food'...taste amazing, don't need to be cooked, hella nutritious, and easy on the tummy. But when it's been a while since you had fruity goods to nomnom on you realize your body misses the vitams and proteins, and yeah it's really that great, the cheat fruit, it'd be great to get out of the bummer of food involving carbs and proteins, they add color and flavor to otherwise boring meals.

Vitamins and minerals, here I come!

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