I might get beaten up or something

Yeah so some things were said to incredibly nice kind understanding and, if one may use the word that one used when one was not entirely sober but still in control of one's faculties, enlightened, it was maybe not the worst and it was all things considered quite nice and complimentary, just at the cost of other individuals which should have happened but people were not in the full of senses and words were said and heads were shaken and dances were had and the next day very curt and one hopes kind exchanges and apologies were had but one must always look after oneself and the potential one might get beaten of certain parties' close associates who one did very much try to build up and back during the uncomfortable circumstances, but as things come around perhaps it didn't work out in the best interest of anybody and everything needs to be evaluated for potential security concerns, everyone, even parties and individuals who would otherwise not be given second thoughts. Of course one imagines this is unnecessary drama and concern and yadda yadda yadda, but nobody ever got hurt by being reasonably concerned about one's security.

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