Just bring me the damn water man

Tap water please, he told the server, his eyes unpeeled from the cell-phone.

Sir, the server said in a slightly french accent, we offer three different kinds of water on tap, all of is gratis, which one would you prefer.

Hnnnng, hnnng, just a moment,  he said, unable to take himself off from the addictive game he found himself playing, aware and annoyed that he'd eventually gave to disengage. Three kinds of water hmmm, can you tell me what my options are with them?

We have one of natural mineral water from the mountains, that we get off of our reservoir. Then it is the normal city water supplied by the town which we are told comes from the same source as ours, but the city has added certain...hmmm...additives, to make it disinfected, for certain individuals who are unable to stomach the bounty of the natural untreated water, it is a better option.

Ohh right right, so natural spring water and treated water, what's the third water, I'm interested now, he said, he'd have to eventually let go of the phone, this was getting boring, any restaurant that offered three different kinds of tap water (three!) at the extremely affordable price range was bound to have interesting choice of entrees.

Our third tapped water option is, the server said with a hint of impatience in his voice, the special blessed water that is all natural but 'as been treated with the blessings of religious leaders of seven different religiouns, I'm told that it is quite popular among the more spiritually inclined. It is natural and spiritually treated, though it doesn't have the chemical treatment provided by the city.

Oh, oh interesting, never heard of that, so sort of like holy water huhh, except it's like blessed water I guess because I imagine for holy water you have to get it from certain rivers and certain times and it's not at all possible, definitely not possible for this price point I imagine, hahahah. So you're saying it's blessed by seven different kinds of religious people, I find that super interesting sorry to not give you my full attention but this has been going on for some time, i promise I'll get back to you when I'm done with it. Can you talk to me about how often the blessing happens and what kind of blessing is done to the water.

If sir is so interested, the man said. You are correct in assuming this is blessed water and not holy water. We get blessings in here for every tank, it lasts about two weeks in slower weeks and perhaps five days in high season.

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