Massive tarkari making, roti-tarkari brunch, wasted walk to portage bay, wet walk back, decadent potato-egg spicy sandwich, boys night out, comet chachas kremwork funtimes [Sat 13]

 Because I guess I hadn't taken a massive cooking project in a while, and my relationship with potatoes was become detached by the day, I made a massive batch of potato-chickpeas-green-peas-onion dish that's going to last me the entire week. It's fucking amazing, and probably healthy too, I feel a little guilty eating it because of all the potato in it but goddamit I know potatoes are pretty much a complete meal by themselves, alright? I love love love fucking potatoes, and eggs (relevant later), and it's a travesty I hadn't had them for so frigging long until recently because the people I've been hanging out with and eating with don't work with them as much as I do. Potatoes are kings, and I'm their servant, at best. Anyway, I spent like a couple of hours making the potato curry while I wrote on the side, not well enough clearly because still running late. Anyway, I had the potato curry with two rotis from TJ's.

Listened to RHlSTP and off menu podcast, as I walked over to portage bay, with the intention of crossing the canal to North Seattle and on to the AS boys. It was not to be, as the stupid bridge there was stuck in the 'open' position and it took them a couple of days to bring it back to the regular situation.

For dinner I whipped up two scrambled eggs, reheated the morning potatoes, dumped a bunch of spicy chilli sauce, and had the most nourishing, rewarding, amazing sandwich. Ahhh to be a food innovator such as myself, it's a joy, no joke. Maybe a little bit of a joke, though.

Aks was going to be coming to get pregaming, so went to QFC, got some unexpectedly expensive porter, had 2 each with him and we went our way. First it was Comet where we took the second floor, somebody clearly very drunk and out of good senses came to hang and talk, I scared them away I don't think they meant to hang and talk, then we got bored and went to cha cha's where we were having a better time but they closed it so early at 1.30, then we went to Kremwork. Sk who was supposed to join us never did, that traitor.

We got to kremework for free, for some reason I don't fully comprehend but I won't overthink it, danced for a bit, until they too were gonna be closing closer to three in the morning. Found BpD and S who's his friend, drove over to a friend R of their, nice house, great bathroom, afterpartied there for an hour-and-half, after which we drove over to BpD's place, where we spent the next five hours just chilling and talking and afterpartying. S made a new friend, Bd's roommate, the one I hadn't met, is scary, and I can hang for far longer without too many substances than people give me credit for.

We got into a shared taxi service, and left there at 7.30 in the morning. I got home, checked everything was in order, and tried going to sleep. My smartwatch tells me over the course of the day, I 'napped' for 9 hours, but not very restfully. I buy that. It was a sad rainy pathetic day, so no loss there.

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