Thanksgiving plans and other nonsense I don't wanna think about

To put it short, I took three days off of work during the Thanksgiving week, and now with the four weekend days, plus the two work holidays combined, I'm off by myself for nine days next week. Can't go to East Coast because I don't want any more disruptions in the vague sort of timetable situation I've gotten around to creating for myself over the course of the last two weeks. But mostly cos' nobody's around and free. To summarise: I have no thanksgiving plans and a goddamn big chunk of holiday with which I know not what to do. Could go to Dallas, could go to portland and see NK's family, could spend time with AS clan, could just do my own thing which is obviously a very bad idea and not something to be recommended.

Maan, this is gonna be a wild time. If I were a more organized soul, a person with motivation and energy and the drive to create and make and be inspired and inspire yadda yadda yadda, I'd simply go to the library for the majority of those days, except maybe the main two days when eventually something good is bound to happen. And I've been known to bang out 10k+ words a day, so with seven days at hand I could easily, so very easily get to a nice 90k+ 'novel' of any kind, awful as it's gonna be. It would be a damn shame, that's what it'd be for sure because I have no clue what'd be coming out of me, but if there was any sort of interest in doing 'Nanowrimo' etc, which I've been angling at for the last decade...almost, at this point, this would be the right time to do it. Not just complete it, or half-ass it, over accomplish the situation, outdo everything I've done in the past.

But like, who am I kidding.

Maybe I'll surprise myself though. Good things can, and have been known to, happen.

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