New experiences, not just new people

Something I talked to about with Sb the other day, after we went to the nearby Indian cafe, oh dear so goshdarnedly reasonable prices pretty decent food too and just two blocks from me yeah hell yeah I live in an amaaazing place, was that new experiences and people here in Seattle. I wanted to meet new people have new groups and do interesting things, and ended up compromising on new people because after you've got your own little gang situation going you don't need that much more yeah. Or so I thought. Because I do got a little group or circle here, new people some of them and it'll expand I have no doubts there. And I think to myself, yeah this is enough maybe I'll organically grow my people and be satisfied with it. What Sb told me was that maybe I should explore new experiences, not just new people not necessarily so, even if don't exactly like the kind of people I'm sharing those new things with, because I don't know the full scope of what's possible and what's doing in life, and by ensconcing with 'my' kind of people I'm just propagating my existing beliefs and ideas and experiences, and not creating any potentially new learning experiences. I'm not exploring my comfort zone I'm just sitting there all fidgety and shakey and instead making it my home.

Gotta change that, meeting new people, yes, but also having new experiences, doing new sort of things that I wouldn't otherwise do. That's the next thing on the 'genda.

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