I'm in Boston

I left Seattle on the third of December. I was supposed to be back before the New Year but sudden illness had me stay for two extra weeks. After which I went to NoVa, crashing with the folks there for a few weeks. It was Philly next, and I'm in Boston now. The final pit-stop before going back to Seattle.

Plans here. Currently hanging with JA. And then to IA. SS will be showing up in the weekend, so there'll be a catchup after a long while. SS from the North will be coming down on Sunday. AB is free on Friday apparently, so hang there. Will definitely hang with the old gang from the apartment, need to reach out to them once the rest of the plans have taken some sort of form.

It feels weird(?) to be back. It feels like I never left. But also when I tell people 'oh let me show you around' it doesn't work because they live here and I don't. And the old restaurants are gone, new ones popped up everywhere.

There's a goddamn Chik-Fil-a in Downtown Boston at Newbury St. and I'm super excited about that. Also the Green Line extension's gonna go all the way to where I lived, so lots of new development happening.

This is gonna be a fun, productive trip, so much looking forward to everything.

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