Beliefs and values in the swarga

The first rule will be as follows, Indra said, as the scribe furiously jotted it down. The demonic races shall never again in the entirety of their existence lay their eyes on Swarga or any of its realms regardless of the justifications. They may not actively participate in the matters of the Earth and hereon will have to gradually decrease their influence with the humans until they remain mere memory, a lost idea, a confused lucid dream for humans.

A bearded courtier cleared his throat, Indra gave him a stern look. He took that as a permission to speak up. My Lord, he said, is it good practice to make that a wholesale statement. Might it not be prudent of us to consider the circumstances for far-away period in time where we are somehow deviated from our beliefs and practices and perhaps they are more representative of what we stand for than we will be themselves. It is a common practice, in the realm of the humans, to write upon rules based upon fundamental values and beliefs than in absolute terms based on who is in-charge of the different realms currently.

Indra paused. He was not someone to take these suggestions -- interruptions! -- lightly. Recent events had forced him to evaluate his behavior. The apsaras and the kinnars had claimed it was that specific behavior, his refusal to consider anyone else's belief while making decisions, that provoked their movement. Despite how wrong these beliefs were, he had to put on an act of considering. A thoughtful wise King, that's what they expected of him which he was, but they wanted someone who listened to just anyone not just those with the best ideas. If that's what they wanted that's what they'd get. Not that it would make any difference in the end.

Your suggestion is worth considering, Indra said, without turning. Who in this court believes that the idea forth considering is worth having a discussion over here in the great halls of the Swarga, stand up, he said. Moment of silence. A tentative rise by a bankbencher, Then a few. And then a wave. More than half of those directly facing the front of the court stood up, the back benchers were more reluctant.

Indra gave a long decisive sigh. So it is decided. We shall have discussion in this court with matters pertaining to beliefs and values, and the result of that shall be included in the final version of the declaration send to the demons.

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