Five things that are ACTUALLY good

  1. Black cats: Thank the Egyptians and the Catholic Pope for this one. The poor creatures with twinkly curious eyes are supposed to give you bad luck. For those of us who are the spawn of the devil, they only bring good fortune and prosperity.
  2. Broken mirrors: The normies believe a broken mirrors brings seven years of bad luck. A hellish creature knows however that broken mirrors are great! Don't go about breaking them since that's not how it works, but if a mirror just happens to break around you without you playing any part in the breakage, good for you! It's not like you get seven years of good luck for free!
  3. Sneezes: Sneezes are great, particularly before you embark upon a journey, a literal or a metaphorical one. For they clear all the disturbances in your nose and help you breathe better. Some people consider it bad luck, but they're stupid soo...
  4. Haunted houses: Particularly over spooky-looking hills and located on area that sees an unusual amount of lightning activity. So scenic! Great place to invite friends and family to hang out for their holidays. Sure the floors creak a little and the doors can lead to different rooms depending on what time of the day it is, but you've got a full staff of spooky creatures entertaining you for free!
  5. Women with pointy green hats on brooms: They are called doctors, and treat you when you get sick! Don't be a sexist asshole and give them mean names! And don't judge them for their house constructed entirely out of's a medically-diagnosed addiction and they're working towards getting it right, okay? Just roll with it! They're really friendly too, and will invite just about everyone to hang out with them!

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