Full-day fast, national parks, momos, househunt, the most amazing poker game, DC drive [Sat 13]

It's 11.30 PM the next day, and I've written 5000 words today. This will most certainly be substandard for already pretty low standards, live with it.

Woke up at 9-ish, first to use the restroom, then talked to the family. Went back to sleep, couldn't at first, two episodes of the office helped. Got up at 11. PN were getting up. I cleaned up and got ready. We were going to be late for the house-seeing, so everyone hurried. For a change other people were late to leave the house, N was still strapping her sandals on the way to the car.

We saw four houses, two new ones, and two that we'd already seen before. The first house, we quickly forgot. The second house we absolutely loved loved loved, and as of the latest information might be THE house, so this post might be a historical record of the day PN decided on their house. The third house was priced the same as the second, but a lot shittier, we had seen it previously we went in to compare. It was shit, like we thought. The fourth house was fine, but went out of the equation quickly enough because needed a lot of renovation to update it.

We were done in two hours, and didn't want to eat. I wasn't eating because I'd eaten for two full-grown adults for two days on a single day, and PN weren't hungry. We went to Bullrun regional park, drove around, and went on a trail. Since N was dressed for a different park, we cut our trip short there. Fun place, so much empty space to fly kites, lots of area to picnic and camp. If I'm to ever fly a kite, this is where it's going to be. We saw a dude who was flying a kite that was twice as big as I am. I'm small, but not that small, the kite really was huuge!

We drove to the second national park for the day, the Battlefield national park. Large flowery field, place where historic re-enactments happen etc etc, we walked for half-hour, took a couple of photos and called it. It was really warm and there wasn't anything to see. PN agreed the area was good, seeing as we'd made it to two national parks in a matter of a couple hours, and planned on the future outings if they bought the house and had folks over.

We drove to Lotte, an Asian grocery chain that everyone talks about a lot but I'd never been there. Finally got to see fabled store it was pretty great, yeah. I wrote a post right after getting back, because I didn't want to forget the first impressions. There  we bought tons of groceries, fruits, supplies for the momo dinner we were having. I put a bitter-gourd chips (titey-karelaa ko chips) and natto in the grocery bag.

The drive back was tiring, I fell asleep even as I pretended to be awake. By this time it was half past five, we were hungry and tired. We just sort of...fell into the couch and rested for an hour or so. S and A arrived, and we got up, cleared things, and worked on the momos.

They made pork momo for themselves, N made a soy-chunk-cheese-spinach-radish veggie momo filling for me. Spinach in momo is a really good idea, I don't like momo generally I've said in this momo before, and the only momos I'll eat are at NP's place. Even then, I'm suspicious of veggie momos, but they were so goddamn good. I ate one of each of the momos, despite my day-long fast, because I needed to taste them. So good. So so good.

We then did what we do every weekend, which is to play poker. We were all quite tired and knew the game wasn't going to last too long. The first hand was the most exciting opening game anyone there had every experienced...A almost went bankrupt on the first round. I got lucky, or maybe played particularly randomly, because I eventually amassed a very large stack of red chips. I was winning! Finally! The game went by fast and furious. S said he was tired, and we were down to the last couple of rounds. P went all in on a hand, and all of us followed, not to end the game, but really we thought we had the best possible hands. And the hand really was that competitive, as tough as it gets! S won the last round, but it was really wild how competitive it was. It was 11.30. We wanted to call it a night. P offered to drive A & S home, N and I got ready to go for the drive.

Someone heard the word 'drive' and we figured since we'd ended the night early it might be worth going on a drive. So we did. P drove us to DC, where we saw all the boarded-up stores in Georgetown, heavy police presence, and I mean VERY heavy police presence on every intersection. I had not seen those larger vans, they were everywhere, apparently they're used to arrest multiple people at the same time. So many cops.

We dropped S & A off, back home at 12.40, talked a bunch more, must have gone to sleep at 1.15, possibly earlier. What a productive, efficient day it was!

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