Sleep recovery and at Monks [Sat 27]

This is 10 am on the Monday after, so I'm not terribly behind schedule just a little bit so. Proper sleep cycle's been elusive writing has been suffering as a result. This is going to be a well-oiled machine AND YOU'RE GOING TO LIKE IT.

So this was a Saturday and I took it easy Friday evening by going to bed at...wait for it...5am. Got up at 9am groggy and tired. The four hours were not quality sleep hours, SL had his hospital duty so he got up at 6. Spent the whole day turning and twisting and turning and twisting trying to nap tryina sleep hoping this would finally fix my whacked timetable.

Had a shockingly large plate of fruits, six different kids for lunch. Because I didn't want to eat a lot but also needed to eat them before they went bad. Three hours later and I'm hungry again because fruits are great if you want to keep the doctor away not so great when you want hunger away. Had a little bit of foccacia with hummus, and fruitcake. Remembered there was egg whites in the fridge that N had threatened to throw out if no one ate it by the weekend. Figured I'd save the whites, also discovered a single puri in the fridge from way way back. Turned that into a puri katti rolls, there was so so much so much egg, stuffed it with parmesan from the pasta lunch and had it. Yum. So big so filling. Asked N later how many eggs worth of whites it as. Five was the answer. I felt...tired and drowsy, all of a sudden. And oh so full. It was too much maan.

Since SL had Sunday off the guys decided to out for beers, we spent two hours deciding a good brewery or bar that was open for outdoors seating until we agreed on Monk's which is a Belgian bar two blocks away from us. There was a small incident at the place, SL asked the bartender how expensive a beer was since the menu didn't have prices for all the draughts and he said too expensive to afford, jokingly I'm sure. We took that a little too seriously I think, N ordered possibly the most expensive beer on the menu at 19 bucks for 12 ounces. I'm sure it was great but it couldn't have been that wasn't a pricey place to begin with there Allagash whites were only six bucks. In the end SL ended up ordering two pretty great sours and ended up paying less than N's single beer.

We also got two orders of fries. They have this bourbon garlic mayo dip with the fries, and that is by far the best dip for fries I've ever had. We got our second fries just for the dip it was that good. It was amazing life-redefining dip-wise. So so good. I need to look up the recipe, need to go there again before I depart just for the dip.

The two hours at the bars and the two hours following that we spent trying to set each other up with our friends. It was fun, a little juvenile and also a little sad. A smidgen. In my defense I was the least involved and not a very active participant. We listened to old songs, watched a little bit of the office, SL and N had mixed drinks I had a can of seltzer that I shook hard before opening to annoy SL because he'd poured his beer the wrong way to annoy me earlier. Went to bed sometime after midnight, slept at 1.

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