Half a kilo posts!

I'm not one for -- hahahahahah I can't I cant even write it okay straight face straight face -- celebrating pointless milestones. As milestones go however this is an important one. This is the first year I exceeded 500 posts. There's nothing special about 500 the number it could be 572 as well, 614 whatever but it's got a nice ring to it, it's half a kilo posts! For someone who's been doing this on and off and hasn't been able to get consistently high energy and motivation, this is a big deal. Yeay the quality has gone through the gutter quickly approaching upper mantle at this point but hahaw you suckazzz if you were reading this for the high quality posts and observations. It's all poorly written barely comprehensible shitposts here. And maybe that's what I'm all about in a hundred year it's possible I'll be known as the shitposter general the worst writer to have written the pages of the internet. And I'll be proud of it, from my space station on the moon as I overlook the world through my immortal body. IMMORTALITY!!! HUUHAAHAAHAHA, I will laugh like a supervillain whose quest of immortality robs him of all humanity, and in the end he's no different than the evil robots who he claims he is protecting the humankind of. In the very very end we will realize that the robots were not that evil after all and it was all a grand old misunderstanding and in the credits you'll also find out that I wasn't as bad as you took me for and I'll give my life (the immortal one!) to save the humans and the robots.

In any case, I'm talking to PA on the side as I type this. What's next she asked me, a thousand posts for this year. And I was like no MORRE MORE because at this pace, of the last two month I should be somewhere around 1300. Which sounds crazy because that'd mean I'll have posted more in this blog this year than every other year combined, including last year, and that was an extraordinarily productive year to begin with.

The personal journal writing in raw text files began about 15 months ago, and when I look back at posts from last June, I was writing several every week. And wow what an amazing record of my days it is, I've noted what I had on the day, who I hung out with how work was, all of that. The idea of keeping journal was an amazing one and it's fortunate I followed through.

Some days are good, some days are bad, some are crap. I get lazy and tired, or I'm too busy having fun. It's fine. I need to be more consistent, take better care of food sleep and workout.

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