Dillydally indoors and Schuylkil walk [Sun 28]

Got up annoyingly early because SL had left his tablet with alarm set at 6am. Annoyed, got up and went back to sleep. Only to get back up ten minutes later because there was a second alarm. Put that down too, ready throw the goddamn piece of glass out of the window if it so much as made a peep. I must have scared it alright because it didn't dare alarm after that.

The day was pretty low-key, the house was full for the entire day. Messed around with the guys, listened to songs watched random series, got a lot written. Spent considerable time chatting with PA. SL used his stethoscope on me...first to confirm that my cranium was 'empty', and then to verify my breathing was probably okay as long as I did make groaning noises while he was listening to my breathing sounds. We did a nice photoshoot of me cleaning their place, I did help them clean the place. Talked to fupu for a solid hour, it was really nice. Tried calling couple of people, SA (Phd) didn't pick up my call.

Brunch was hashbrowns focaccia bread fried in olive oil scrambled eggs and fruits. Nothing too exciting, had brunch quite late.. it was more of a linner. In the evening headed out for a walk, went to the other part of the schuylkill trail, reached the trailend. Took couple of amazing photos, the dark clouds the sunset the yellow sky the bright buildings with rainbow colors reflected on the river, it was surreal. Sent them over to folks all over. Showing off is fun specially when you're not in your place, not in your city.

Back home, got some fruits, cleaned up, hung out with the guys, wrote a lot more, watched youtube, chatted with folks online. Tried writing until late, kept dozing off, NG had work to do late in the evening so was up until later, went to bed at 12-ish. New blanket, heavier nicer more comfortable. Easy to feel asleep. Asleep by midnight.

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