Long walk in Philly [Thu 25]

Really annoyed at the sounds of the streets, woke up several times in the  morning to the sounds of rowdy bikers and crazy construction workers jackhammering early in the morning. Annoying annoying annoying. For lunch I made a improvised katti rolls with two puris and eggs, stuffed with potatoes and the leftover broccoli from the day before. Added in glops of ketchup for that old katti rolls feel, and it was such a good meal. I was content and happy. Despite the auditory helll going on right outside the apartment.

Spent an hour or two writing here, or trying to. Went on a walk to the river and the Philly Art Museum. 45 minutes in 45 minutes out. So many fit healthy people all about. Mostly wearing masks and maintaining distance. I liked it. I was inspiration also a little jealous. I need to go out more often.  It was a bit muggy but that's how it is here. Took some amazing sunset photos too. Too crowded for me though really really really need to get a better workflow going on.

In the evening we came back faffed about had tonnes of fruits before bed and that was the day!

And with this post I'm only 12 posts behind, including today's. This is bad, I need to be covering up for past posts quicker. There's not enough things for the guys to do, which is a problem. We'll see how this evolves.

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