Five types of posts you can write to fill up your blog

  1. Numbered lists like this. People love love looove numbered lists. Sure, their popularity has gone down significantly since Google's algorithms started favoring clickbait content less and encouraged longform content, but it's a trend that's been around for thousands of years. The old sanskrit books wild with making numbered lists, the seven secrets of so-and-so, the thirteen kids of what not, etcetera. They are always a good idea.
  2. Posts about why you have not been posting as often, or why your posting is behind schedule. This way, you can get your post count up, not have to be very creative, and you can use it quite often too! You're fine if you're doing less than one in six of those meta-posts.
  3. Review posts. Just review anything. A chef knife you gifted your friends that they've not sharpened in years that they should really learn to do? Why not. A plant that you saw on the streets and used google lens to identify it and now go around pretending you're the expert of it. Yes, please! Remember, the universe out there is waiting eager for your judgment, and you should review all the things you can.
  4. Some kind of vague smart-sounding quip that may or may not mean anything particularly interesting, but it came to you in a moment and it sounded good and you spent like five minutes hitting the keys hard so here it is!
  5. A combination of any of the above, such as this one. This is a post where I have no original content, not even for a list, but I can just write about not being able to write, and then write it as a numbered list, so two birds etcetera. This is great. I love it!

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