Rise, kneeler

Rise, kneeler
For nothing is yours

Rise, fighter
for what you had
will be gone
And what would come
will not.

For you are one of us now
A rootless tree
Against the wind
A floating weed
Against the tide.

For the red dots and asterixes on your name
mark you out
come fellow heathen, we have nothing to lose
what we never had.

Rise, fool
for you have chosen
the difficult path
the path of pain and suffering
of hunger and madness
come fellow heathen, we have nothing to lose
what we never had.

What we lose
Is could have beens
The houses we'd have bought,
the upper-middle class we'd have been in
All gone now,
Sight unseen.

Come comrade,
On this long walk
Whose end we know not
But we walk, we believe,
for the just cause

Let them walk on our rotting fresh
Our breaking bones
Our stinking credit scores
The uncertain meals
And even more uncertain future.
Our wasted lives, and the potentials
Won't go in vain.
The suffering, the pain,
will prevail.

This is what we must
Today is done and done
And they have won,
We must go on
A better tomorrow.

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