Philly trip, phinally [Mon 22]

I have to take is easy with the Philly puns, it's getting out of control.

Regular work day, not busy at all except couple of small things because we were releasing and there was not a lot of new planned work. N made amaaazing lunch with rice, and some sort of gravy with lots of bell peppers, and green veggie of some kind. It was really good, the green veggie too, I cook them regularly but I don't enjoy them normally, but it was really good.

P left to S's place to chill, got back at 5-ish, we left at 5.15 for Union Station, got there in 10 minutes, spent the next ten minutes looking for parking so they could send me off. Didn't find one, they left, I got into the train to Philly, which left five minutes later.

It was alright. Most people are careful and wear masks. There was a fool, with a poor poor daughter, who took his mask off to sneeze on his hands and then wiped it all over the handles and seats, germs everywhere.

Wrote a bunch of posts in the train ride. As I've said many times here, I do love Amtrak, it's one of the two things about America I really enjoy. It's never disappointed me...besides the lateness, but that's U.S. public infrastructure for you.

In Philly walked to N's place because didn't want to risk public transport or uber. 25 minutes of nice evening walk. Arrived at their place, hung out with SL and N. We watched tv, got caught up, talked about future plans, Nepal, women etcetera. Wrote a bunch before going to sleep, and went to bed in the nice couch at 12.30.

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