Milestone post: the most productive year!

I'm not one for milestones. Actually that's a lie, I'll write as many milestone posts as I can if that means I can fill my quota. The problem I face daily is that I don't hit too many milestones to be able to write about them. But today we've made it to an important milestone that I want to celebrate with all earnestness.

This post, when it gets published, will be the 454th this year. Which means I've beaten the next productive year in terms of number of posts by 4, and it's not even mid-year yet. I'm not sure if I'm there yet in terms of word-count, but surely by the end of this month I'll have gotten there too.

This is a pretty big effing deal for me. I have 1660 published posts by the end of this. 900 of them were written in the last year. And there's still more than half a year to go for 2020. It's entirely possible that by the end of this year, I'll have written more posts in the year 2020 than every other year combined, including the second most productive year that also started this mania, 2019. That is insane. I'm producing more 'content' in a week than I was doing in a year, the average month now is way more productive than an average year before 2019. I am writing like a madman, a true maniac, just tapping along. And I'm so goddamn proud of it.

It's about the numbers, about meeting the goals. The quality is shit I know. It was always shit. And if I don't write if I don't chase the numbers it will remain shit. It's not easy to discover your writing voice. You don't know what kind of writing you like doing unless you write, a lot. Not that I have had deep revelations about myself or anything. But it's helped keep myself disciplined. Something to look forward to every day. Something to look back at in the weeks months and years that follow. I look at this, all of this crap I excreted and was deeply ashamed of originally and think wow, I did this. It's about the numbers, and what a great start that was.

Where do we go from here. I've noticed in the last month subtle changes to my writing. Could be that I'm paying more attention now, but there's definitely improvement minor as it may be. There's more of a sense of what works and what doesn't. It's still all experimental, all crap and amateur, but there's a pattern emerging. I'm beginning to understand myself better.

Which is a bummer because the 'understand yourself better' thing was supposed to start in August/September. That's when I planned to start concentrating on the quality of the pieces as well. The numbers are important, but what's within would be evaluated and edited. I'm still gunning for that timeline, three more months of fun-having, undisciplined and writing free of quality constraints. A year of writing consistently with no prompt should hopefully give me enough confidence to edit my own work without a future block or fear of the inner editor. If that doesn't work out, more numbers. I'll overwhelm everything with numbers. Ohh, so three thousand daily words is not enough to make me a better writer? What about four thousand in seven posts, and then the posts have to be about so-and-so. You get the idea. That leads to another issue I'm been considering, about article-writing, which I'm going to dedicate a separate post to, because it's not related but most importantly I need to get my post count up.

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