Ate meat the other day, and still not into it, don't see what the big deal is

 This will be a short one because there's not much to say, it's merely a minor update.

Went to AKS's place the other day to celebrate Mha puja, they'd cooked up 10 traditional meal items, I tasted few pieces of crispy fried fish, few pieces of mutton and a piece of chicken. As regular readers will know, I'm a 'meat avoidarian' and haven't eaten meat for almost four years now, though I do make exceptional exceptions such as this one.

And it was...alright? Like it wasn't particularly exciting and didn't make me reconsider anything regarding my views or anything. It's like if I hadn't had mushrooms for a couple of years and somebody made a good dish out of it and offered me and the dish was fine, pretty good but it's not life my existence depends upon the precious delicacy and I'd missed it all that time.

Not at all.

Rather, this was a yet another reminder that meat is pretty mediocre, American chickens are tasteless bastards with pathetic texture, eating seafood like we do now is extremely unsustainable and bad for the environment, and meat in general is like....bleh. I'm not missing much, actually anything at all, by not eating meat. Except perhaps limiting my options a bit, but Seattle's the best of all the large American cities to be a vegetarian person.

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