My laptop is seriously borked

 My major laptop, the primary workhorse that most of my blogposts get written on, where I check my emails daily, the driver for youtube viewings, email writings, pirated gameplaying and movie-watching is dying a slow eventual death. It's seven years old at this point, and for at least the last two years has been unable to serve me as a 'laptop' since the screen was always a little wonky, always a precarious journey to transport it around. And last year the battery stopped working so unless I'm connected to the power sockets, it won't work anymore.

My work laptop has also been showing power issues, it's in dire need of battery maintenance, the software gives me warning on a daily basis but I've been not very keen on getting a new laptop in the last year due to covid and cost-cuttings and what not, what if they decide this was the back-breaking of the camel and let me go instead of fixing my laptop?

So I'll probably end up getting a new Mac in the next year for work at least, and the personal one will have to wait a few years, hopefully even more because I don't want to be contributing to the electronic waste. I'll miss my dear old friend, who'd been with me through thick and thin, through high points and low...

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